2021-2023 > Nostalji ki fé rékòt

Koudzou Naché (Kudzu of Natchez)
Koudzou Naché (Kudzu of Natchez)
Acrylic and natural materials from Natchez on panel, recycled frame.
19.5 x 23.5 in.

Koudzou Naché

Fè Dimoun-la, abin Lèkspo intèrnasyonal a lindistri koton en fèt, té mènin toukishòj dan Lavil avan le 20inm syèk. O, mé yé té gin koton (byin sir), navir, shmin d’fèr, bokou bokou lalimmyè, égzemp shar lélèktrisité, plant tropikal, lamizik, et dòt zafè. Épi, yé té gin in kalité plant égzotik ki sé marshé byin dan lamézon. De lwin, de lwin, plant-çala toushé latè Nòrd Lamérik. Pèsonn té vini konné ça sé toushé syèl pliské 100 lanné apré.

Avan fè dimoun-yé, dan Fòr Rozali koté Meshasébé-la, Naché-layé té masakré Françé-layé. Nabitasyon taba é vilaj françé té parpiyé dan téritwa naché. Naché-layé té pa linmé komen Françé-layé té trété yê piti – yé fwété yé paréy Françé-layé té fwété Afrikin-layé dan lésklavaj. Ça fé, Naché té désidé ataké fòr-la. Yé té chwé é trapé Françé paréy Françé té fé Afrikin. Kèk lanné apré Françé-layé té bati Fòr Rozali enkò. Bambara é dòt Afrikin, té tiré in plan pou boulvèsé Françé in dézyinm fwa. Malérèzmen, yé té arété li. Dékad é dékad apré ça, lésklav té gin afranshi yé-minm – enfwi Mérikin dan bwa, dan klo. Dékad é dékad apré ça, trò lésklav té chwé Otè Lapo, in malfézan, enba in sèd.

De lwin, de lwin, in plant ki sòr Lazi té vini toufé lavi aou désendan Léròp bati yê lamézon. Yé té mènin lamizèr dan Lafrik, yé té mènin lamizèr koté Naché, yé té mènin yéchènn lamizèr tou partou. É lá, Koudzou, in joli plant parfé pou lamézon o dan in jaddin, mènin lafin partou pou tou.

Kudzu of Natchez

The World’s Fair, well the World Cotton Centenniel, brought everything to New Orleans before the 20th century. Oh, well they had cotton (of course), seafaring boats, railroads, lots and lots of lights, examples of streetcars, tropical plants, and other things. And then, they had a type of exotic plant that would make a great houseplant. From far, far, away that plant touched North America. No one knew that it would touch the sky one day.

Before world fairs, in Fort Rosalie next to the Mississippi, the Natchez massacred the French. Tabacco plantations and French settlements spotted the Natchez Territory. The Natchez didn’t like how the French treated their children – they whipped them same as the French whipped enslaved Africans. So, the Natchez decided to attack the fort. They killed and captured the French just as the French did to the Africans. Some time after, the French rebuilt Fort Rosalie. Bambara and other Africans, made a plan to overthrow the French a second time. Sadly, he was caught. Decades and decades after that, those enslaved had to free themselves – flee from the Americans into the woods, into the fields. Decades and decades after that, three enslaved Africans killed Skinner, a villain, under a cedar.

From far, far, away, a plant from Asia came to snuff out life where European descendants build their homes. They brought misery to Africa, they brought misery to the Natchez, they brought their own misery along their journey. And now Kudzu, a pretty plant perfect for the house or garden, brings an end to you, me, and everyone else, too.

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