Arthur Roger Gallery
Fondé en 1978, lagaldri Lavil prinsipal-çila, trouvé a 432 Lari Julia, montré lartis ki sòr réyjon-la é otour monn dan plizyè léspas lèkspo. Lagaldri Arthur Roger réprézent mò.
Established in 1978, this prominent New Orleans gallery, located at 432 Julia Street, features regional & international artists in several exhibit spaces. I am currently represented by Arthur Roger Gallery.
Louisiana Historic and Cultural Vistas
Plas latwal a Doktè Christophe Landry aou no ka trouvé bokou linfo apré Kréyolité Lalwizyàn, nô listwa, épi mæp-yé en diféren langaj a nô vyé paren-yé konm kouri-vini, françé Lalwizyàn, é spañòl.
Dr. Christophe Landry's website where one will find lots of information about Louisiana Créolité (Creoleness), our history, and maps in different our different heritage languages such as Kouri-Vini, Louisiana French, and Spanish.
Vilaj Bonjwa
Piblikatè liv kouri-vini fondé par Adrien Guillory-Chatman. Yé sèrvi kominité kréyol Lalwizyàn avèk liv en kouri-vini pou piti-yé é famiy-yé.
Kouri-Vini Book Publisher founded by Adrien Guillory-Chatman. They serve the Louisiana Creole community with books in Kouri-Vini for kids and families.
Luminous Lookout
Kolèktif lartis ki mo té fondé avék padna lartis Kelli Scott Kelley, Kathryn Hunter, é Dawn Black. Mo pi in menm, mé yé ê kontinnwé montré vayan lèkspo-yé.
Artist collective that I founded with fellow artists Kelli Scott Kelley, Kathryn Hunter, and Dawn Black. I'm no longer a member, but they have continued creating great exhibitions.
TEN Gallery + Collective
The TEN Gallery was a collectively run gallery space dedicated to showing emerging artists located at 4432 Magazine St. New Orleans, Louisiana 70115. I was a founding member and co-manager of the TEN Gallery + Collective between 2012 and 2018.
"Chewing the Scenery" in Country Roads Magazine
Lartik é entrevu par Dillon Raborn.
Article and interview by Dillon Raborn.