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untitled - triptych
untitled - triptych
oil, acrylic, and spray paint on wooden doors

A collaboration with my friends and artists Matt Bourgeois, Marc Fresh, and Brad Jensen.

The work was made during the "Notes from the Artistic Underground" art show, curated by Darius Spieth.

The wall label for the panel I painted on read this:

Local artist Mayers was born and raised in Baton Rouge. Mayers received his undergraduate degree in studio art from Louisiana State University and continued his training at the University of New Orleans, where he received his Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting. In Mayers’ work the viewer can see the influence of Surrealists Max Ernst and Jeff Soto. Drawing heavily on his childhood and contemporary popular culture, Mayers also utilizes the colors and animation from cartoons and comics.

The piece presented here combines a number of colors, subjects, and techniques in order to create a world with a distinctly sexual narrative. Painted in primarily flesh colored tones of pink and salmon, the piece posits male and female genitalia as its central subjects. These are displayed prominently, while an image of Britney Spears in the upper left hand corner smiles at the viewer.